Monthly Archives: April 2021

Safety Barriers and Covers for Pools

Safety is a main priority for most homeowners when planning a pool. While there are code requirements put in place for each state, there are additional safety measures that a homeowner can put in place if wanted. Black Pool Code Fencing Pool Code Fencing  Per code, 4’ tall pool fencing with a

2021-12-14T14:57:10+00:00By |Pools|Comments Off on Safety Barriers and Covers for Pools

Salt Vs Chlorine Sanitizing Systems

When initially thinking about a pool, there are many things to consider, including the type of pool system that you want. All it really comes down to is personal preference.  Here are the pros and cons of both salt and chlorine pools. Salt System There are actually a lot of benefits to having a

2021-04-05T18:14:54+00:00By |Pools, Spas|Comments Off on Salt Vs Chlorine Sanitizing Systems
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