When initially thinking about a pool, there are many things to consider, including the type of pool system that you want. All it really comes down to is personal preference.

Here are the pros and cons of both salt and chlorine pools.

Salt System

There are actually a lot of benefits to having a salt system. The salt generator works through a process called electrolysis, which converts the salt into chlorine.

Now an important misconception to note is that this is not like the salty ocean water that is 35,000 parts per million(ppm).The salinity of a salt system (3,500 ppm) is actually less than the saline(6,000ppm) you put in your eyes!


  • Gentler on the skin, hair, clothes, etc.
  • Gentler for your pets
  • Less harsh chemicals needed
  • Maintenance/chemical cost is lower for yearly use
  • Low maintenance


  • More costly upfront investment.
  • Minimum temperature (50 degrees) required for salt system to work (easy to manage with a heater)
  • Salt generator is another mechanical piece that requires periodic maintenance

Chlorine System

The chlorine system is the most common pool sanitizing system and is the standard system that comes with our pool. This system allows you to add chlorine manually into the pool by tablets, liquid, etc.


  • Less initial cost investment
  • Works on chillier days
  • Strong chlorine tablets can clean water faster


  • Chemicals can be irritate skin, eyes, and bleach clothing
  • Chemicals are more costly yearly
  • May cause a strong chlorine odor
  • Storage of Chemicals